Nova Restauração
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Company Policy

The Nova Conservação company policy is based on the following principles:

  1. PRESERVE artistic and cultural heritage, using professionals, methodologies, products/materials appropriate to the object, and acting with respect for its historical and aesthetic value, and socio-cultural context;
  2. ACT with integrity and transparency, contributing to a fair and just market and competition and to a better understanding and appreciation of conservation and restoration;
  3. TO OPTIMIZE the cost-quality ratio in the activity, reconciling conservation priorities with the client's availability and the strictest respect for the ethical and deontological principles of conservation and restoration;
  4. TO TRANSMIT to its interlocutors - clients, partners and suppliers - the confidence of an organized structure that fulfils its commitments, producing work of recognized quality;
  5. MAINTAIN the organization competitive and up-to-date in terms of theoretical thinking and technological innovation, through partnerships, projects and/or technical and scientific meetings, both nationally and internationally;
  6. COMPLY with and ensure compliance with the legal and other requirements applicable to its activity with employees, partners and suppliers;
  7. MINIMIZE the risks identified for the safety of workers and other stakeholders, in accordance with the legislation in force and good practices in the sector, while also promoting their well-being and health;
  8. PROMOTE the professional training of workers and develop their skills, improving the company's ability to respond to the increasingly demanding and cross-cutting needs of this activity;
  9. TO RECORD, document and disseminate the work carried out, promoting knowledge of the conservation and restoration activity and of the cultural asset intervened upon.

This policy guides the entire company, involving employees in the pursuit of the principles set out, in order to achieve a process of continuous improvement and the achievement of the goals set for the organization.

02-09-2024 | rev. H
