Nova Restauração
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Technical sheet

Typology Architectural Heritage
Protection Monumento Nacional (1907) | UNESCO World Heritage (1983)
Period 16th century (1514-1520)
Author(s) Francisco de Arruda and Diogo de Boitaca (planning/guidance)
Date 1997 - 1998
Service Conservation-restoration
Work Conservation condition survey and mapping; conservation-restoration: preliminary tests; cleaning; joint repair; filling of discontinuities; structural interventions; reattachment of unstable fragments; final protective treatments.
Areas Façades
Materials Stone (Lioz limestone)
Analyses Mineralogic characterisation (FTIR, XRD, XRF) of alteration and degradation products; study of consolidation products; study of repointing mortars (World Monuments Fund-Portugal Scientific Committee, LNEC, IST, FCT-UNL).