Nova Restauração
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Technical sheet

Typology Architectural Heritage
Protection Monumento Nacional (1907)
Period 12th century (Porta Especiosa - 16th century)
Author(s) Mestre Roberto (Romanesque part, attr.), João de Ruão and Nicolau de Chanterene (Porta Especiosa, attr.)
Date 2004 - 2005
Service Conservation-restoration
Work Architectural survey; Conservation condition survey and mapping; Conservation-restoration
Areas Roof and façades (including Porta Especiosa)
Materials Stone (Ançã limestone and dolomitic limestone); renders; glazed ceramics; wood; stained glass
R&D Due to the extreme fragility of the Porta Especiosa limestones, Nova Conservação and italian company Tecno Edile Toscana, with the scientific support of specialist José Delgado Rodrigues (LNEC), developed two formulations for restoration mortars specific to the intervention, as well as their respective application methodologies.