Nova Restauração
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Technical sheet

Typology Architectural Heritage
Protection Monumento Nacional (1907)
Period 14th century (1314)
Author(s) Domingos Domingues
Date 2006 - 2008
Service Conservation-restoration
Work Conservation-restoration intervention
Areas Church (interior and exterior surfaces) and cloister
Materials Stone (Ançã limestone and dolomitic limestone); ceramics (azulejos/glazed tiles and other ceramic materials); metals; renders and plasters
R&D Study on the efficacy and compatibility of ethyl silicate-based consolidants for the cloister paving bricks (carried out by LNEC for Nova Conservação)
Notes Nova Conservação developed this intervention in consortium with the company HCI Construções, SA

Monastery of Santa Clara-a-Velha Coimbra, Portugal
