Nova Restauração
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Technical sheet

Typology Architectural Heritage
Protection Monumento Nacional (1907) / UNESCO World Heritage (1983)
Period 16th-17th century (1513-1601)
Author(s) Diogo de Boitaca, João de Castilho, Diogo de Torralva, Jerónimo de Ruão
Date 2019
Service Conservation-restoration
Work Plan for the conservation-restoration of the church's vaults - Phase I3: Conservation condition survey; photographic and graphic survey of mason’s marks and architectural inscriptions / historical graffiti; conservation-restoration of stone walls and stained-glass windows; structural reinforcements; treatment of the arch separating the North nave from the crossing; stabilisation and conservation of the choir stalls and of the Tenebrae hearse.
Areas Vaults and walls above the choir stalls; south and west walls of the High Choir; vaults and walls of the Epistle nave, choir stalls and Tenebrae hearse
Materials Stone (Lioz limestone); Wood (oak and chestnut); Metals (metal alloys); Others (stained glass)

Jerónimos Monastery Lisbon, Portugal