Nova Restauração
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Technical sheet

Typology Architectural Heritage
Protection Monumento Nacional (1907) | UNESCO World Heritage (1983)
Period 16th-17th centuries (1501-1601)
Author(s) Diogo de Boitaca
Date 2000 - 2002
Service Conservation-restoration
Work Conservation-restoration: cleaning using traditional methods, as well as laser ablation; joints and mortars repair, consolidation, reattachment of unstable elements, filling of discontinuities, finishing treatments, water repellent application, hydraulic/drainage inspection works, electric bird proofing.
Areas Cloister
Materials Stone (Lioz limestone); metals (wrought iron and bronze)
Analyses SEM-EDX and FTIR analyses of black crusts, orange deposits, patinas and historical treatments (IST, World Monuments Fund-Portugal Scientific Committee); Fibre-optic laser cleaning tests (Trivella Spa.); Development of protective and surface finishing treatments (World Monuments Fund-Portugal Scientific Committee).
R&D Methodological definition of the laser cleaning protocol: a detailed testing programme was necessary in order to tailor the cleaning procedures to the delicate surfaces of the Cloister; this work was carried out together with the Italian company Trivella, SpA.
Notes Nova Conservação developed this intervention in consortium with the italian company Trivella, SpA.