Nova Restauração
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Technical sheet

Typology Statues and Fountains
Protection Monumento Nacional (1910), as part of Praça do Comércio
Period 18th century (1770-1775)
Author(s) Sculptor Joaquim Machado de Castro; Arch. Eugénio dos Santos (urban square design) and military engineer lieutenant-general Bartolomeu da Costa (foundry)
Date 2012 - 2013
Service Conservation-restoration
Work Architectural and conservation condition surveys; Conservation-restoration interventions
Areas Monument (sculpture and pedestal)
Materials Stone (Lioz limestone); Metals (copper alloy)
Analyses Historical study (Autónoma University). Characterisation of patinas with SEM-EDX; micro-FTIR; and micro-XRD (Hércules Laboratory). Structural analysis with georadar (Minho University); Structural and technological analysis via video-endoscopy (Olympus).
R&D Testing and application of alternative copper alloy passivation methodologies (counselling WMF-P Scientific Committee and Prof. Mauro Matteini)

"Treatment of Lacunae, Gestalt Psychology and Cesare Brandi. From Theory to Practice", de G. Agulli e L. Silva; presented at the III International Meeting on Retouching of Cultural Heritage (RECH 3), 2015. ‘Notas à intervenção de conservação e restauro da Estátua Equestre de D. José I’. Presented by N. Proença at Colóquio Machado de Castro: Artista – Escritor. Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, 2023.